About Us Forums Plantz4People I think Psilocybin mushrooms shouldn’t be class A drug

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  • #13264

    The fact that magic mushrooms/psilocybin is in the same class as heroine,crack cocaine/ and meth i Personally think is disgusting as they are not a threat to the public and health, I personally have used psilocybin on and off for years and it has relieved so much trauma that I have been struggling with which have caused me to lead a quite destructive life but the way in which psilocybin allows you to truly connect with yourself, nature and empathy for others is amazing, and yes they do come with risk especially for people with severe psychotic disorders, but the fact they are classed as a class A drug in the UK I think is truly a massive mistake, we are prosecuting and imprisoning people who are using a substance to want to gain a better understanding of themselves and the world and want to better themselves
    I personally think it should be used medically and decriminalised or atleast put in the category of class c/be as the only harm to public is from people who suffer with severe psychotic disorders, the same people could also have adverse effects from a legal drug such as alcohol.
    There needs to be a change, theses rules are archaic and need to be revised.

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