Join Our Community

A community who use plants for medicinal purposes. Contribute and get rewards

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Plantz is a Community

We’re a community who want to take control of our medicine. Members are rewarded for your contributions, including eventual ownership of the company. We source the products you want and offer cheaper prices.

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We Empower People

We’re building a next-gen healthcare company that puts patients first by giving them control over what we do. 

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Give Members Control 

You earn tokens simply by engaging with the community. Tokens can be exchanged for discounts in the shop, but also give you a say over what we do and how we do it.

Plantz is on a mission to build a community around plants with medicinal properties, owned and governed by its members

5 Reasons to Join the Plantz Community

Plantz is building a community with a difference. 

We’re attempting something that has never been done before. To build a profitable company owned by its community, not by shareholders.

Here we list 5 great reasons to become part of our community and be part of our journey.

What is Plantz? Our Manifesto

Plantz is doing something disruptive in the healthcare industry that has never been done before. It’s a big claim, so let us tell you how we’re going to do it

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Introducing the Plantz Buying Club

The Plantz Buying Club enables our members to use their Plantz Points to enjoy discounts on items sold in our shop. Every Plantz member has an account, which contains their total number of points. These points can be exchanged in the Shopping Cart for discounts on items.

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Community Resources

Our community contribute by writing articles and researching information to help each other.
Participate by helping us and we reward you with Plantz Pointz

Cannabis For Creativity

Cannabis is used a s a treatment by many patients. However, it plays an important role in the Arts, such as music, painting and writing. Cultural masterpieces such as The

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Patient Events

Events are a great way to meet fellow patients, learn about the latest research and discuss the issues and challenges faced by other cannabis patients. Events can be divided into

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Strains Database

One of the most daunting tasks for cannabis patients is understanding the differences between the many hundreds of strains available. Many first-time patients will be introduced to terms such as

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Join our community and earn Pointz based on your contributions. Earn rewards, voting rights and revenue.

Join our community and earn Tokens based on your contributions. Earn rewards, voting rights and revenue.

John Doe

Getting Started

 These articles will help you get started on your medical cannabis journey. They’re written by and for our members in return for Pointz that can be used to save money.

History of Plant Medicine

Since the 1970’s, when the UN, encouraged by politician’s paranoia, declared a War on Drugs, the prevailing attitude has been ‘Drugs Are Bad’. Which has obscured the fact that drugs,

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Community Buying Club

Our members enjoy some of the lowest pricing available.
Plus, earn Tokens by contributing towards the community and earn even more rewards!