Introducing the Plantz Buying Club

The Plantz Buying Club enables our members to use their Plantz Points to enjoy discounts on items sold in our shop.

Every Plantz member has an account, which contains their total number of points. These points can be exchanged in the Shopping Cart for discounts on items. 

After placing items in the shopping cart our platform provides an option to use Plantz Pointz to reduce the price of the item. This is done with a simple slider that changes up to the maximum discount allowed – currently 10%. After you have selected your discount you simply proceed to the checkout in the normal way.

How do Plantz Members Earn Pointz?

The Plantz platform automatically awards points for any activity on the website. This includes simply logging in. Plus, each month we give every subscriber the equivalent in points to the subscription fee. So, you pay £5 and receive the equivalent of £5 in points.

We award points for many actions, including:

  • Renewing a monthly subscription
  • Logging in
  • Posting a forum topic
  • Creating a new Group
  • Friending another member
  • etc

The full list of points is shown in our Plantz Points table.

How to Earn More Points?

Members can check our Job Board for opportunities to earn more points. This can include creating content by writing articles, filming an interview or submitting a review.

However, it can also be for carrying out a specific role. This could include adding research to our Research Tables, moderating a forum or doing some graphic design work. 

Just like a company would pay out money, we pay out Plantz Points. These points can be used immediately to get discounts in our shop. However, they will also entitle you to vote on company proposals and take an active role in shaping the journey of Plantz.

How To Become a Plantz Member

Our in-depth research, including access to Articles, Forums and Groups is only available to paying members. In addition, you will immediately be able to take advantage of our Buying Club when you receive tokens in return for your subscription.

Current membership is

  • £5 per month or
  • £50 if paid annually

Join today to read the latest cannabinoid research and contribute towards our thriving community. Unlike other sites, we are owned by our patients. This means, firstly, we offer significant discounts in return for your participation. Secondly, Plantz invites you to submit proposals for other members to vote on. If they’re approved by our community, then that’s what we do.

To learn more about this, read our manifesto.